Why Choose CrossFit?
CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that incorporates elements from various disciplines such as weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardiovascular exercise. CrossFit workouts typically involve a combination of functional movements performed at a high intensity, which can be scaled to your fitness level and ability.
These movements can include things like weightlifting, running, rowing, skipping and gymnastic exercises. All workouts are varied to make you stronger, fitter and faster, whilst having fun. Every session is different, giving you variation each week, whilst working out alongside like minded people who cheer you on every step of the way.

What's covered in a CrossFit class
Each training session will be hard and fast – with a maximum of 12 people on each class, this helps build a great atmosphere, with members supporting each other, building intensity and, most of all, having fun!
A CrossFit Brough class will often be broken down into the following structure:
Warm Up
Stretch or Activate
This consists of a 15-20 minute session focusing one particular movement, this can vary from deadlifts, push press, squatting and more, the aim is to work up to a weight you’re comfortable with for the chosen movement & rep scheme on that day.
Metcon (Metabolic conditioning)
The session ends with a Metcon, a high intensity workout which can incorporate a combination of exercises from weightlifting, gymnastics & cardiovascular endurance. This is different time domains and rep schemes, changing daily and tested with benchmark workouts.
Each CrossFit class is varied and above is a typical class format, some classes may focus on longer, low intense workout using such exercises as running, rowing, biking, or bodyweight exercises.

What are the benefits of CrossFit?
There are many benefits to CrossFit, such as:
Increased Cardiovascular Health
Increased strength
Develop your flexibility & mobility
Aid weight & fat loss (In combination with a healthy diet, read about how we support your nutrition)
Improve your mental toughness.